Wabanaki Arts
Wabanaki people have been living and creating in beauty since Koluskap shot his arrow into the brown ash tree and we emerged from the opening. What we create and surround ourselves with reflects all that the Creator gifts us with. Nibezun provides opportunities for Wabanaki artists and communities to create traditional and contemporary art based on Wabanaki values and connections with our homelands.
Wabanaki Traditional Arts Mentorship
The Wabanaki Traditional Arts Mentorship Program supports the continuation of Wabanaki traditional arts practices. The program provides up to $3000 for experienced mentors to pass on their skills to qualified Wabanaki students. Mentors are individuals recognized by the Wabanaki community as exemplary practitioners and keepers of cultural knowledge.
Community Workshops
Wabanaki arts have always been passed down from generation to generation through community. Learning takes place through observation, example, and hands on experience. Our Wabanaki community arts workshops bring together master artists and students to learn both traditional and contemporary art forms.